Friday, April 10, 2009

Idle Thoughts

Don't look for revenge. It perpetuates the cycle of bad karma. But in this life, if you love and trust in God, you can expect reparations. "Not of good works, but of the grace of God" (simply for Love) are we HEALED.

I have a mother who has an evil streak. She has given me strength and resiliency. She was always necessary. Pain in childhood is inoculation for the world.

Do not be convinced by flatterers. Pay attention to the one who points out your faults.


Ruth Campbell said...

I would like to change the word (describing my mother - occasionally - that is) from "evil" to heartless.
Evil is much too strong a word. However, I think we are all guilty of being heartless sometimes, when we are forced to put ourselves first.

Ruth Campbell said...

Between the flattery and the criticism, you have to know your own mind. Respect educated people, but earthy, less-educated (not simple - no one is simple) people can be brilliant as well.

Nikki said...

Heey! Just thought I'd let you know that Corner Gas is available on DVD. It's great..I'd definitely check it out if I were you.

And Xanga is a blogging community like blogger.


Ruth Campbell said...

Thanks Nikki, I did take a look at Corner Gas on Amazon, but it's too expensive for me. I rarely watch DVD's anyway. I don't have much time for things like that. I work on painting and writing whenever I have any spare time at all! BTW, how are ya? It's been more than a year!