Monday, August 29, 2016

I don't know what to do with the poll i started.  I don't know how to use it, how to open it.  I would like some help with this but don't know how even to find the help. 
I once wrote a funny article on the influence of Spanish on American English.  I sent it to the magazine called American Speech.  I wonder if they are still in business.  They recommended I start a blog.  As soon as i find that article, I will type it here.  It might be more timely now.  One of my friends who read it thought it might start a war between the Castillians and the others in Spain.  Or perhaps it might offend some Hispanic people today.  At the time I doubted it and still do.
How could there be something rather than nothing.  why wouldn't there be?
"Q" is still my friend, but as before, we are limiting contact with each other, due to irreconcilable differences.